Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day fortyfive

My weight today is 231.2, a 2 pound weight gain from yesterday. As we have learned, some regaining after a fast is normal.

I am now back on the full diet. I am still having little or no issues with my joints. Arthritis responded very, very quickly to the diet. I am also no longer having irritable bowel syndrome. That stuff is going very nicely.

Another area that has responded is the enlarged prostrate. I was having typical 50-year old prostrate issues. You know, trouble starting, chaotic stream, sometimes an after tinkle, etc. Plus a feeling of pressure and burning down there.

All gone. Completely gone. It feels like my prostrate felt when I was in my 20s.


I had a recent conversation with a co-worker who was saying that the diet was great, but most folks wouldn't want to do it. My response was:

"I hear that a lot. If someone had told me that I could nail arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and an enlarged prostrate by simply giving up animal products, refined carbs, refined fats, alcohol and caffeine, I would have replied 'Hell yes!'."

Which is, of course, the problem. No one is being told. Because the medical industry does not believe that the people will do this.

I feel terrific right now. I am somewhat stressed out because of work and financial issues. But overall, my mood and energy level are extremely high.

My son worked me out last night as well. Jon has ambitions to become a personal trainer. By the time he was done with me, I was breathing in shallow gasps, and drenched with sweat. That was 30 minutes of grueling, unending cardiovascular exercise combined with heavy weights. It was great. By the time we finished I could not lift my arms to pull my shirt off.

It has been years since I have been able to work out at that level. Further, I can tell I am making more gains on each workout as I stay on the diet. It's like the diet somehow supercharges the workouts and makes them more effective. Not only can you do more in the gym, but the amount of growth and development that you experience when resting is much greater.

This is an amazing thing. Most of the muscle and fitness magazines I read advocate a high-protein, animal based diet. This seems to be counter the entire culture. It would be extremely interesting to try this diet with world-class athletes to see what results you get.

My plan for today is to eat normally. Ruth and I are going away for a one-night romantic Valentine's day date.

More later.

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