Friday, January 11, 2008

Day eleven begins

I attended another Bikram yoga class last night. I had a good time in this class. Once again, I probably sweated a gallon of water, and this scaled off all lesions. The lesions are growing smaller and the pace of scaling is slowing down. I am still quite itchy though.

I had difficulty going to sleep last night but slept very well once I had done so.

Backing up, for dinner last night I had steamed broccoli, fresh grapes, brown rice, chickpeas and a product called TVP (texturized vegetable protein). My wife makes a face with this stuff, but I think it tastes fairly nice. A lot like meat. For one who misses eating meat, it is a nice change. Later I had a smoothie consisting of soymilk, banana, cherries, ground flaxseed, and a green food product from Natrols. I had this for breakfast as well. We also ate a bowl of fruit with blue berries, strawberries, kiwi and banana.

I ate a lot of food yesterday. It will be interesting to see what my weight is today. Other than brown rice, everything I ate yesterday was in the unlimited category on the ETL diet.

arthritis is at a low to moderate level, certainly nothing like what I was experiencing before the diet. I have a low-level headache, and I am feeling a bit stressed. Probably that's my job. I have lots of deadlines boring down on me right now. If I could afford to simply take a few weeks off to heal and diet, I would do so, but I am saving that time for my fast in a few months. Thus, I still need to be productive right now. It is a challenge to do so, I must admit, as much as I am concentrating a lot of energy on health. However, my energy level is very high, and I am avoiding caffeine entirely. This tells me that I should be able to handle the demands of my work while not compromising on health or diet.

More later.

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