Thursday, January 3, 2008

Day three

Yesterday, I had a bowl of black bean soup and a big salad for lunch. Later, my son Jonathan and I went to the gym and did a strength workout: Chest, triceps and shoulders. Then my wife and I went to Tripps and had a dinner date.

The later was quite challenging. Tripps is not a very vegan friendly environment. However, I removed the meat from one of the salads, as well as the dried fruit, fried noodles and candied nuts, and had a fairly healthy salad. The supposedly healthy fat-free sun dried tomato vinaigrette was incredibly sweet, however. (Does that sound sugary sweet to you?) From now on, I will simply order lemon slices and squeeze lemon juice on my salads in places like this. I cannot have the oil from full fat dressings, and they seem to love to add sweeteners (probably in the form of HFCS) to fat free dressings.

The other entres were all meat dishes. I got a side of fresh steamed vegetables and had to send them back because they were drenched in butter. (I did warn them about that!) The second plate was a good crisp steamed vegetable set of broccoli, cauliflower and carrots which I enjoyed.

They had fresh squeezed grapefruit juice, which I had two glasses of. That stuff was great.

I had a very rough night. My symptoms have not subsided. I have developed eczema on several areas of my body as well, probably due to the dry cold weather. I am itchy, inflamed and generally in a lot of pain. I am not taking any form of analgesics or prescription drugs at this point.

My hope is that things will begin to improve in a few days. If not, I may pop onto a 3 or 4 day water only fast to start to turn this around.

More later.

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