Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day ten continued

The appointment with Dr. Sharp was interesting.

There was a bit of disagreement on the part of Dr. Fuhrman with Dr. Sharp's use of the LEAP test. Dr. F. regards this test as virtually worthless. He said you could run the test five times and get five different results. This caused me to view Dr. S. with some suspicion.

In my conversation with Dr. S. this morning, he basically agreed with Dr. F., but was somewhat less extreme. He agreed the test is only about 50% accurate. The thing he was going for, however, was not specific food sensitivities, but the number of food sensitivities present. This lets him know the amount of "leaky gut" (I will explain this in a later post) activity going on.

In my case, the number is very low. He did produce some interesting results. I am low in vitamins B and D, short chain omega 3 fat and selenium. The vitamin D deficiency, in particular, may be very involved in psoriasis. Dovonex, a topical cream used for treating psoriasis, is a vitamin D derivative. He sold me some supplements to address these issues. He had the vegetarian form of EPA fats, which was nice. His supplements were also reasonably priced.

I asked him about ETL and fasting. On the diet end, he was extremely supportive and impressed with my results so far. He said fasting was controversial. His office does lots of elimination diets, and usually sees good results from doing so. He also said that detoxification is an energy-intensive process requiring calories and amino acids, so how would that work when fasting? On the other hand, he admitted that there have been many studies performed which showed amazing results from fasting. He had never heard of Dr. F. I referred him to the fasting book, and he agreed to read it, and made an appointment with me for 4 weeks from today. At that point, I will be further into the diet, on supplements, and we can discuss whether Dr. S. would be able to medically supervise me on the fast.

Of course, Jodi indicated that Dr. F. would also do so over the phone. So I probably have a source for medical supervision of my fast either way.

Overall, I was quite pleased with the appointment. I am on the diet and going forward.

I had lunch with my friend Ray. I ate almost 3 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables (including some legumes) with no oil or added sugar. In other words, all the stuff which Dr. F. says you can have an unlimited quantity of. The only dressing was balsamic vinegar. It was great, but cost over $20. I feel absolutely terrific after eating this meal, though. Not too full, but definitely satisfied, with great energy and mental clarity.

More later.

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