Monday, January 7, 2008

Day seven continued reprise

I attended a Bikram yoga class again today. This class is doing a lot for me. It causes me to sweat about a gallon of water I would guess. I was very weak and faint today during the class, and took frequent breaks, but I did complete the class, and was proud of that.

Diet, wise, I had a fruit salad with my wife before we went to the class consisting of pear, avocado, grapes and tangerines with lemon juice squeezed on top. It was great, especially after the three day fast. After the class we went to Whole Foods where I had steamed brussel sprouts, roast carrots, steamed zucchini, brown rice, black beans and a soy-based product called Sietan. First time I had had that, but it was nice. Very similar to meat in consistency. I also had a cup of green tea and drank at least a half gallon of purified water.

Coming home, my wife made a mango smoothie consisting of mangoes, soy milk and ice.

I am exhausted but feel otherwise fine. I have no pain in my body. My inflammation is very low. I have slight itching in the groin area, but that is all.

I had a long conversation with my new friend Jodi O'Neill. Jodi was healed of psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus through ETL. She is a great encouragement to me. You can find more about Jodi here.

Bottom line is that she is completely healed but it took the better part of a year. She fasted the first time for 24 days. She has since fasted one more time for 14 days and multiple times for 3 or 4 days. She typically fasts 3 to 4 times a year. She states you can never be free of the disease, but you can control it with diet and lifestyle. You can never eat the SAD diet, ever. If you do, a fast is going to be required to get back on track.

I am planning to complete a 60 day period on the diet, and then assess with Dr. F. as to what I should do then. According to Jodi, he will medically supervise my fast for a modest fee over the phone. This would certainly be the most cost-effective way of doing this.

More later.

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