Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Day twentythree continued

In the book The China Study, T. Colin Campbell discusses a study that was conducted during the 50s in the context of the Korean War. 300 deceased servicemen were autopsied. In the process their hearts and circulatory systems were dissected and closely examined.

These were men in their 20s who were in excellent physical condition. They were consuming Army food, a variant of the SAD.

77.4% of them had advanced cardiovascular disease.

That's how long we have been knowing about this.

The level of ignorance on the part of the American public with respect to research that has been going on for more than 50 years now is nothing short of amazing.

As I have said before on this blog, we are digging our graves with our knives and forks. The profit oriented food industry has been selling us a high-fat, high calorie processed food diet, while making massive profits in the process. The profit oriented pharmaceutical drug creates lifestyle drugs which you are intended to take for the rest of your life, also making massive profits. And then the profit-oriented medical industry sells us cardiac bypass, angioplasty, and other expensive, invasive and danger medical interventions for heart disease. Again, making massive profits in the process.

All of which is virtually 100% wasted money.

A simple lifestyle change to a low-fat, plant based, whole food diet will result in reversal of heart disease on the part of virtually 100% of the people who are willing to follow the program. It benefits everyone.

Except the profit oriented food, pharmaceutical and medical industries. They lose out big time.

It is possible that this information is being suppressed? It is certainly available for those who look. But it is also not being promoted very heavily. An obvious solution to an problem which is costing us a trillion dollars (yes, I said trillion) and constitutes the leading cause of death should be big news.

But it isn't. No one in the popular media is talking about this. You have to pull Mother Earth, The Independent, Alternative Health and the like to read about the health benefits of the ETL diet.


There is definitely something going on here. T. Collin Campbell says he will cover this in Chapter 6. I will let you know what I learn then.

More later.

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