Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day twentytwo begins

I ended my fast last night at 12:02 a.m. completing a 96 hour water only fast (including zero calorie clear liquids) successfully.

By the end of the day I was feeling somewhat better, as I said in my second post yesterday. After I ate my first meal (consisting of a blended salad of blueberries, mango, banana, frozen spinach and soymilk) I was extremely itchy. It was very difficult to sleep. I probably slept about 4 hours, and I may go back to sleep soon. However, I would like to at least say that I finished the fast, and I am still on the diet. Yay!

This morning I am consuming another similar salad, substituting blackberries for blueberries.

My plans are to take it fairly easy today. I will work from home, read email, do some technical work, and otherwise relax. If I am feeling up to it, I may go to the Bikram class tonight. Let's see how it goes.

More later.

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