Friday, January 4, 2008

Day four begins

I had another rough night last night. I had a late night anyway, as I am finishing up on a project for work. However, the psoriasis symptoms are perhaps worse than they have ever been.

Based upon the idea that I need to obtain some immediate relief from my symptoms and we know that I get better when I stop eating, I have begun a water only fast this morning.

Updating on my diet, as of last night, I had another large green salad with Jon. (At Green Tango, I am suspicious of their dressing. I ordered the Sun Dried Tomato Fat Free dressing, same as Tripps. I specifically asked if it was sweet, and was told no. It was less sweet than Tripps but still not completely free of sugar. Also, it was very thick, which makes me suspect corn starch. I need to figure out how to eat salad with something on it that is less toxic than these things.) Then Jon and I worked out again, very hard, doing legs this time. Jon has an affect on me in making me work very hard in the gym. I like that effect, actually.

When I came home, I had another bowl of black bean soup and a bowl of raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and black seedless grapes.

In general, I feel great and have good emotion state. However, my skin is killing me. I have eczema over much of my body. The psoriasis lesions are very angry and inflamed. I had Jeanae take a picture of my navel lesion and this is what it looks like right now:

To give you scale, this lesion is about three inches in length from side to side, and about two inches in height from top to bottom. Notice the redness, scaling and raised skin. The dark spot on the top right is a hard scab which sloughs off and oozes blood when I scale off my skin. This occurs at least once a day, in general.

I have lesions like this over about 15 to 20 percent of my body. Again, my entire crotch area (including the genitals) is involved. My feet are involved, as are six out of ten of my toenails. Two of my fingernails as well. The entire back of my head. The underarm on the left side. The creases of my nostrils. The backsides of both ears. The ear canals.

You get the idea. Yeah, it really sucks to be me right now. Just letting you know what is going on. Not trying to feel sorry for myself.

Anyway, as the diet progresses I will have Jeanae snap another picture of this lesion and will post it about once a week. We should be able to see the changes that way. Should be interesting to monitor the progress.

Where I am right now is pretty damned determined. I will begin a three day water only fast starting this morning. I will post on this blog at least once a day to let you know how that goes.

More later.

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