Sunday, January 20, 2008

Day twenty continued

I heard from Susan Powter today. Awesome.

For those who do not know about Susan Powter, she was a major force for health and fitness during the later part of the last century. Her book Stop the Insanity was a bestseller. She was a familiar face to those watching TV during that period as well, selling a weight loss and nutrition approach which was amazingly effective. Basically extremely similar to the approach which has panned out to be the one which actually works: Low fat, whole food, vegetarian or near vegetarian combined with sensible exercise.

Granted, this simple, common sense approach has been drowned out by all of the craziness like Atkins, South Beach, Sugar Busters and the rest of that crowd. All of whom have left us with a legacy of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and the rest.

Anyway, regardless of what you may have done in the intervening period, just remember this: Susan was right. The processed food crap which we consumed (including myself!) like Atkins diet food replacement bars and shakes, as well as the same for South Beach and so forth, were simply another form of corporate deception intended to keep us where we are today: enslaved. Enslaved to pharmaceutical drugs. Enslaved to a dietary system which is based upon the consumption of toxic and dangerous processed and animal products.

Yes, I have come to know and understand at last that Susan was right all along.

If you are reading this blog (and I am hearing from many who are), then please consider the approach I am discussing: Low fat, whole food, vegetarianism. Read Susan's book. Read Dr. Joel Fuhrman's Eat to Live. Or Colin Campbell's The China Study, or John McDougall, or Dean Ornish, or Nathan Pritikin.

Any of these guys are great. If they embrace the reduction of animal products and fat in your diet and a dramatic increase in whole, natural plant-based nutrition in as near as possible to the raw, unprocessed state, then they have my support.

The ones who are completely screwed up in my view: Atkins. South Beach. Abs Diet. Eat Right for Your Type. The Zone. Sugar Busters. All crap. All total lies. Don't buy them. Don't believe anything these charlatans are telling you. It will lead you down a path which leads to a long, lingering death.

Anyway, bottom line: Susan was right. And she was right way back in the 80s. Which goes a long way back in this field.

More later.

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