Monday, January 21, 2008

Day twenty-one begins

My body is totally pissed at me.

Wow! I feel like death warmed over.

OK, here are the details. Yesterday I consumed nothing but water and zero calorie clear liquids (I had several cups of decaffeinated green tea). Aside from that nothing passed my lips. When I went to bed last night, the level of itching was skyrocketing. I was having lots of trouble in the area of my crotch. We will not go into too much detail about that. Nasty. As well as generalized itching all over my body. The "internal sunburn" feeling was back.

I took a long hot shower which helps calm things down a bit. Then I went to bed.

I became extremely queasy somewhere during the night. Sour stomach. Lots of burping toxic gas. I woke up at 6 with mouth tasting like I have been eating poop, a nauseous sour stomach, and tons of psoriasis activity.

Other symptoms are a rapid heart rate, feeling very weak, and a shaky, shivery feeling inside.

Not fun. Having said that, I regard it as an actually hopeful sign. Another layer is being peeled off. The beasties which are infesting me are dying of starvation. In the process they are releasing toxins. Their little brothers are feeding on their rotting corpses. All of which is great for me long term.

It just doesn't feel that way right now.

I would say that Bikram today is unlikely. I know my limits. I will probably hang around the home base, do as much as possible to take my mind off of my misery and otherwise work on fasting.

I am now 13 hours away from the end of a 96 hour fast. My fast ends tonight at midnight.

I weigh 237.2, a loss of 2.8 pounds from yesterday. My waist is still 47 inches flat. I have lost 21.7 pounds in 21 days, an average of over a pound a day. Amazing.

Oh, and today is three weeks. Half way through the initial six week period we targeted at the beginning of this process. Cool!

I am considering the structure going forward. A pattern is emerging. My first fast was three days. There was a gap of two weeks between that fast and this one. This fast is four days. That argues that I should wait three weeks and then fast for five days. Get it? Anyway, I will consult with Dr. F. on this plan and get back to you.

More later.

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